Nicht jammern, sondern handeln!

What did it take for their careers to really blossom? Six Swiss musicians provide the answers.

The drawer-busting, 71-year-old Lucerne percussionist Fredy Studer;
Benedikt Wieland and his band Kaos Protokoll;
Joana Aderi, who is involved in all kinds of experimental projects;
Nik Bärtsch, with Ronin and Mobile and solo;
Michael Sele, with the Beauty of Gemina a household name for fans of stirring rock sounds;
and Andreas Ryser, who are just as well connected with the electronic project Filewile as they are with the label Mouthwatering:
These are all Swiss men and women who have succeeded in making a name for themselves at international level. We asked them what it took for them to really flourish.

The three questions were:

What did it take in your case for you to develop so beautifully as a musician?

Are the conditions in Switzerland conducive or detrimental to musical development?

Is it essential for musical self-realization to go abroad??


The answers from (click on the name to continue):

Joana Aderi

Nik Bärtsch

Andreas Ryser

Michael Sele

Fredy Studer

Benedikt Wieland