Teachers/lecturers Teacher for: Piano (focus on classical music) (approx. 18 lessons = 60%) Regional Music School Gelterkinden | 21.02.25
Various positions Assistant∙e régisseur du personnel et technique 50% ORCHESTRE DE LA SUISSE ROMANDE | 21.02.25
Teachers/lecturers Basic musical training (approx. 8 lessons) and children's choir (2 groups, primary school level) Music and Art School Lachen- Altendorf | 19.02.25
Teachers/lecturers Teacher violin/viola and ensemble leader for approx. 13 lessons / Teacher parent-child singing (children 2.5-4 years) for 1-2 lessons Muttenz General Music School | 19.02.25
Orchestra musicians 2nd concertmaster with easement and solo cello (coordinated) Orchestra della Svizzera italiana | 14.02.25
Teachers/lecturers Teacher for piano Workload: approx. 5 lessons (15%), expandable Music School Worblental Kiesental | 12.02.25
Teachers/lecturers Teacher for double bass / electric bass currently 4.25 hours per week Schwyz Music School | 11.02.25
Teachers/lecturers Teacher for jazz/pop singing Workload approx. 20-30 % (expandable) Emmen Music School | 11.02.25
Teachers/lecturers Teacher with classical training and focus on record instruments (xylophone, marimba) and percussion (20-30%) Sarganserland Music School | 11.02.25