Issue 07/2024 - Focus "Summer retreat"

Table of contents


You can plan everything except the weather
Interview with Lena Fischer about the Gurtenfestival

A little poetry in the city
Pianos stray into Geneva's public spaces in early summer

Summer freshness with George Sand
Chopin with the cultural elite of the 19th century as guests in Nohant
Link to the original German text by Moritz Weber

Hits for the swimming trunks
Hit songs that only succeed when heat, alcohol and libido trump good taste

(italics = summary in German of the original French article)


Reviews of recordings, books, sheet music


On theWay-with handover of baton
The Munich Biennale for New Music Theater with two Swiss co-productions

Cardew's "TheGreat Learning" in Basel
300 performers create a walk-in concert

Résidence Voix 2024
Golfam Khayam et Barbara Hannigan au Festival d'Aix-en-Provence


Articles and news from the music associations

Swiss Federal Orchestra Association (EOV) / Société Fédérale des Orchestres (SFO)

Konferenz Musikhochschulen Schweiz (KMHS) / Conférence des Hautes Ecoles de Musique Suisse (CHEMS)

Kalaidos University of Music / Kalaidos Haute École de Musique

Swiss Music Council (SMR) / Conseil Suisse de la Musique (CSM)


Swiss Society for Music Medicine (SMM) / Association suisse de Médecine de la Musique (SMM)

Swiss Musicological Society (SMG) / Société Suisse de Musicologie (SSM)

Swiss Musicians' Association (SMV) / Union Suisse des Artistes Musiciens (USDAM)

Schweizerischer Musikpädagogischer Verband (SMPV) / Société Suisse de Pédagogie Musicale (SSPM)

SONART - Musicians Switzerland

Swiss Youth Music Competition Foundation (SJMW)

Arosa Culture

SUISA - Cooperative Society of Authors and Publishers of Music

Swiss Association of Music Schools (VMS) / Association Suisse des Écoles de Musique (ASEM)


Desired destination
Puzzle by Michael Kube


Order issue for CHF 8.- (+ CHF 2.- shipping costs)

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