Issue 04/2024 - Focus "Schaffhausen"

Table of contents
We work together in Schaffhausen, the distances are short
Interview with Annedore Neufeld, active in the Musik-Collegium and Bachfest, among others
Schaffhausen Jazz Festival
Mirror of Swiss creativity
Small town with a big heart for crazy music
Schaffhausen as a stronghold of do-it-yourself pop
Link to Hanspeter Künzler's Schaffhausen playlist
It's about something really bigs
The Schaffhausen Music School and its Singing School
Chatting about ... the cultural atmosphere in Schaffhausen
Sonix and Joscha Schraff
(italics = summary in German of the original French article)
Reviews of recordings, books, sheet music
Beethoven lives in the Emmental
The Langnau orchestra and its major Beethoven project
Radio Francesco
Accoucher | Giving birth
"Smell a bit of the Basel madrigalists"
First Swiss choral conducting prize "Swiss Made"
Un parcours hors du commun
Raymond Meylan
Il faut arrêter d'être obsédé par la question de la modernité
Entretien avec Karol Beffa, compositeur, pianiste et écrivain
Equitable instrumental lessons in Aargau
Contribution to the discussion by Andreas Schlegel
Link to
Old or new music: lessons in historical performance practice
Reflections on the future of Markus Jans
Carte blanche
for Werner Bärtschi
Articles and news from the music associations
Swiss Federal Orchestra Association (EOV) / Société Fédérale des Orchestres (SFO)
Konferenz Musikhochschulen Schweiz (KMHS) / Conférence des Hautes Ecoles de Musique Suisse (CHEMS)
Kalaidos University of Music / Kalaidos Haute École de Musique
Swiss Music Council (SMR) / Conseil Suisse de la Musique (CSM)
Swiss Society for Music Medicine (SMM) / Association suisse de Médecine de la Musique (SMM)
Swiss Musicological Society (SMG) / Société Suisse de Musicologie (SSM)
Swiss Musicians' Association (SMV) / Union Suisse des Artistes Musiciens (USDAM)
Schweizerischer Musikpädagogischer Verband (SMPV) / Société Suisse de Pédagogie Musicale (SSPM)
SONART - Musicians Switzerland
Swiss Youth Music Competition Foundation (SJMW)
SUISA - Cooperative Society of Authors and Publishers of Music
Swiss Association of Music Schools (VMS) / Association Suisse des Écoles de Musique (ASEM)
Gender pay gap in the 19th century
Riddle by Rudolf Baumann