Issue 03/2024 - Focus "Siblings"

Martina, Stefanie and Andrea Bischof (from left) Photo: Holger Jacob

Table of contents


"I wouldn't have become a musician without you"
Three sisters and their chamber music
A conversation with Andrea, Stefanie and Martina Bischof

Music in the blood
The Kummer family in the Jura

Sibling syncopation
Brothers and sisters from jazz and experimental
Link to the detailed interviews online

My sister's favorite singer
Studies on the structure of musical taste

Clavardon's ...
Camille et Julie Berthollet

 (italics = summary in German of the original French article)



Reviews of recordings, books, sheet music



Far beyond our own horizons
The tenth Mizmorim Chamber Music Festival

The political use and abuse of music
Commentary on the Mizmorim opening concert by Francesco Biamonte

"Please, I'm trying to talk"
"The art of language in music therapy" with Jürg Halter at the ZHdK

Mendelssohn trouvailles
The piano duo Soós-Haag plays rediscovered cadenzas

Conference at the HKB

Seiji Ozawa, la fin d'une respiration
The academy he founded in Switzerland planned his departure

Interview with Roman Melish
His recitals in Kyiv

Worlds in sound and image
The 13th Norient Festival

Plea for Enrico Mainardi
Letter to the editor

Basel discusses the distribution of public music funding

Carte blanche
for Thierry Dagon


Articles and news from the music associations

Swiss Federal Orchestra Association (EOV) / Société Fédérale des Orchestres (SFO)

Konferenz Musikhochschulen Schweiz (KMHS) / Conférence des Hautes Ecoles de Musique Suisse (CHEMS)

Kalaidos University of Music / Kalaidos Haute École de Musique

Swiss Music Council (SMR) / Conseil Suisse de la Musique (CSM)


Swiss Society for Music Medicine (SMM) / Association suisse de Médecine de la Musique (SMM)

Swiss Musicological Society (SMG) / Société Suisse de Musicologie (SSM)

Swiss Musicians' Association (SMV) / Union Suisse des Artistes Musiciens (USDAM)

Schweizerischer Musikpädagogischer Verband (SMPV) / Société Suisse de Pédagogie Musicale (SSPM)

SONART - Musicians Switzerland

Swiss Youth Music Competition Foundation (SJMW)

Arosa Culture

SUISA - Cooperative Society of Authors and Publishers of Music

Swiss Association of Music Schools (VMS) / Association Suisse des Écoles de Musique (ASEM)


Abbreviated brothers
Puzzle by Pia Schwab


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