Issue 1_2/2023 - Focus "Departure"
"Awakening" or "renouveau" in French is the theme of the first issue in Harriet Messing's redesign. The articles in this issue explore the constant departure into new realms, as well as the question of what role music can play in times of social upheaval. The cover photo by Holger Jacob shows Mario Batkovic.

Table of contents
"I was broken into" - Interview with Mario Batkovic
The renewal of the guitar continues - current compositional and pedagogical trends
Breakout or departure? - Multimedia composing
Iran: Women sing for freedom - preserving cultural heritage despite performance ban
Music can be loud. Or quiet. But always insistent, please! - A plea for radical artistic answers to the questions of our time
(italics = summary in German of the original French article)
Reviews of recordings, books, sheet music
Empowering: peak performance without overload - symposium in Lucerne
" Création partagée " - Un parcours de médiation culturelle de l'Association Lire et Ecrire
Hopkinson Smith - " donner vie à la musique "
Experimentation as a program - 2nd edition of Sonic Matter in Zurich
Chatting about ... transformation projects
Carte blanche for Nina Rindlisbacher
Articles and news from the music associations
Swiss Federal Orchestra Association (EOV) / Société Fédérale des Orchestres (SFO)
Konferenz Musikhochschulen Schweiz (KMHS) / Conférence des Hautes Ecoles de Musique Suisse (CHEMS)
Kalaidos University of Music / Kalaidos Haute École de Musique
Swiss Music Council (SMR) / Conseil Suisse de la Musique (CSM)
Swiss Society for Music Medicine (SMM) / Association suisse de Médecine de la Musique (SMM)
Swiss Musicological Society (SMG) / Société Suisse de Musicologie (SSM)
Swiss Musicians' Association (SMV) / Union Suisse des Artistes Musiciens (USDAM)
Schweizerischer Musikpädagogischer Verband (SMPV) / Société Suisse de Pédagogie Musicale (SSPM)
SONART - Musicians Switzerland
Swiss Youth Music Competition Foundation (SJMW)
SUISA - Cooperative Society of Authors and Publishers of Music
Swiss Association of Music Schools (VMS) / Association Suisse des Écoles de Musique (ASEM)
Puzzle by Thomas Meyer