From libraries as gateways to earlier times to musical "souvenirs" and the interplay between memory and music

From libraries as gateways to earlier times to musical "souvenirs" and the interplay between memory and music
All articles marked in blue can be read directly on the website by clicking on them. All other content can only be found in the printed edition or in the E-Paper.
De mémoire morte à mémoire vive
Muriel Brandt and Nicolas Ducimetière at the Fondation Martin Bodmer. Interview
Souvenir de ...
Musical memorabilia
Remembering in 4½ chapters
The past is everywhere
Quand la mémoire fige de nouveaux classicismes
Massimo Lonardi et François Court ravivent la mémoire de musiques dʼautrefois
The soundtrack of our lives
About the interplay of music and memories
Original article:
The soundtracks of our lives
The partnership between music and our memories
... and also
Un ambassadeur du cor des Alpes nous quitte - Jozsef Molnar
O Lord, are you asleep? - "Music in dark times 1914-1943", concert by the Zurich Male Choir
From the jazz scene, for the jazz scene - Swiss Jazz Days 2022
Of fear and human warmth - Dialogues des Carmélites
Nägeli's protégé, von Weber's mountain companion - Anton list
Speed questions again - Jean-Claude Zehnder, Richard Erig, Bernhard Ruchti
Clavardon's... - Philippe Nantermod et Vincent Salvadé
Radio Francesco - des esclaves/of slaves
Carte blanche for Katrin Spelinova
Who learns music where? - Study "Music Learning Switzerland"
Les conférences-ateliers de l'HEMU - l'exemple de la forme sonate
The medieval Rabab - Research project at the HKB
Passeurs de jazz - UpJazz à Marly
News, link recommendations - brèves, liens recommandés
Articles and news from the music associations
Swiss Federal Orchestra Association (EOV) / Société Fédérale des Orchestres (SFO)
Konferenz Musikhochschulen Schweiz (KMHS) / Conférence des Hautes Ecoles de Musique Suisse (CHEMS)
Kalaidos University of Music / Kalaidos Haute École de Musique
Swiss Music Council (SMR) / Conseil Suisse de la Musique (CSM) and CHorama
Swiss Society for Music Medicine (SMM) / Association suisse de Médecine de la Musique (SMM)
Swiss Musicological Society (SMG) / Société Suisse de Musicologie (SSM)
Swiss Musicians' Association (SMV) / Union Suisse des Artistes Musiciens (USDAM)
Schweizerischer Musikpädagogischer Verband (SMPV) / Société Suisse de Pédagogie Musicale (SSPM)
SONART - Musicians Switzerland
Swiss Youth Music Competition Foundation (SJMW) and Arosa Culture
SUISA - Cooperative Society of Authors and Publishers of Music
Swiss Association of Music Schools (VMS) / Association Suisse des Écoles de Musique (ASEM)
Riddle - Thomas Meyer is looking for
Row 9
Since January 2017, Michael Kube has always sat down for us on the 9th of the month in row 9 - with serious, thoughtful, but also amusing comments on current developments and the everyday music business.
Link to series 9
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