The double bass is an unwieldy instrument, but it has been smoothly integrated into many musical styles.

The double bass is an unwieldy instrument, but it has been smoothly integrated into many musical styles.
All articles marked in blue can be read directly on the website by clicking on them. All other content can only be found in the printed edition or in the e-paper.
On rocking, swaying ground
The bass waltzes and makes the musical structure vibrate
Claire, puissante, sonore... mais sans succès
La colossale octobasse de Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume
Hector Berlioz and the octobass (additional article on the website)
Démontée et remontée en deux minutes
La contrebasse démontable de Denis Favrichon
The grandchildren learn the "grandfather instrument"
The double bass is booming at some music schools
Two truck drivers meet ...
Interview with the double bass player Käthi Steuri
... and also
" J'aurais voulu chanter la voix de basse " - Entretien avec Jocelyne Rudasigwa
The double bass as a loop or line - Vincent Bertholet's versatile play instinct
Francfort tells us comment va la musique
The musical in the visual - Exhibition "extended compositions" at the Centre d'art Pasquart in Biel/Bienne
Clash! or Mash? - Spring conference and concerts of the INMM Darmstadt
Carte blanche for Christoph Trummer
Traditions en devenir, modernités plurielles - La HEM de Genève collabore avec l'Initiative Aga Khan pour la Musique
Professeur de musique, quel métier est-ce vraiment ?
Authenticity versus improvisation in the philosophy of about music? - Symposium at the University of Bern
The bamboo bends towards the stars - CAS bamboo flutes
klaxon children's page - page des enfants (PDF)
Riddle - Thomas Meyer is looking for
Row 9
Since January 2017, Michael Kube has always sat down for us on the 9th of the month in row 9 - with serious, thoughtful, but also amusing comments on current developments and the everyday music business.
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