Silent night, silence in free improvisation, the quietest place in the world where you almost get scared ... - young music journalists have explored the phenomenon of "silence" in various forms. We present their essays, which were written as part of a postgraduate course at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland.
Silent night, silence in free improvisation, the quietest place in the world where you almost get scared ... - young music journalists have explored the phenomenon of "silence" in various forms. We present their essays, which were written as part of a postgraduate course at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland.
Silence - in music of all things
Ten essays by up-and-coming authors on the subject of silence
Music for bats
Music on inaudible frequencies
One hour in the quietest place in the world
Like music, silence also has its dark side
Silent night
The famous Christmas carol as an expression of silence
(No) sound is innocent?
Silence in free improvisation
Music for eyes and head
Kreidler's "sheet music"
Come on, dance!
What do we hear with our inner ear?
The destruction of silence
Music of noise and silence?
Silence at the piano
The nature, message and limits of musical silence
Even less is empty
Playing with the fear of emptiness
Music for reading
In works by Herrmann Burger, Thomas Mann and Marina Tsvetaeva
... and also
La voix d'ange de Fritz Albert Warmbrodt
Si loin, si proche : Susanne Abbuehl et Elina Duni au festival Jazzonze+
"Creating perspectives is important"
Interview with Balthasar Glättli, President of Swiss Music Export
Comment fait-on chanter des enfants pour l'éducation ?
Classes in French-speaking Switzerland and Burkina Faso create chansons
Carte blanche: Hans Brupbacher on the future of SMZ
Reviews classical, rock and pop - New publications
PreCollege Music of the ZHdK
Reviews of teaching literature - New releases
klaxon Children's page
Riddle: Michael Kube is looking for
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