
Silent night, silence in free improvisation, the quietest place in the world where you almost get scared ... - young music journalists have explored the phenomenon of "silence" in various forms. We present their essays, which were written as part of a postgraduate course at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland.


... and also


La voix d'ange de Fritz Albert Warmbrodt

Si loin, si proche : Susanne Abbuehl et Elina Duni au festival Jazzonze+

"Creating perspectives is important"
Interview with Balthasar Glättli, President of Swiss Music Export

Comment fait-on chanter des enfants pour l'éducation ?
Classes in French-speaking Switzerland and Burkina Faso create chansons

Carte blanche: Hans Brupbacher on the future of SMZ

Reviews classical, rock and pop - New publications


PreCollege Music of the ZHdK

Reviews of teaching literature - New releases

klaxon Children's page


Riddle: Michael Kube is looking for



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