Money - let's talk about it!
Nothing works in culture without money - for once we are talking about cash prizes, orchestra budgets, lottery winnings for artists, the new sources of income at Suisa and the costs of the Swiss music magazine.
Nothing works in culture without money - for once we are talking about cash prizes, orchestra budgets, lottery winnings for artists, the new sources of income at Suisa and the costs of the Swiss music magazine.
What does the SMZ cost?
An infographic shows: The SMZ finances itself to the tune of over 80%. The associations contribute just under 14%, while the structural deficit amounts to just under 6%.
Convincing someone of the valuable work of our orchestra is something I enjoy doing for life
Interview with Numa Bischof Ullmann, Director of the LSO
Fetishes and feelings of shame
Prizes are more widespread in cultural life than ever before
Quand les artistes gagnent à la loterie
La Loterie Romande allocates 160,000 francs per year to culture
Le droit d'auteur en pleine mutation
Suisa makes the point
... and also
Un opéra en Gruyère
On the 175th birthday of Josef Rheinberger
A cultural summit without crevasses
Carte Blanche with Lucas Bennett
Classical, jazz, local and global reviews - New releases
Le Youth Orchestra of Bahia à Montreux : entretien avec Ricardo Castro
Review of teaching literature - New release
klaxon - Children's page
Riddle: Jakob Knaus is looking for