Amateurs - simply love music
What is actually behind the term "amateur"? What is the difference between professionals and amateurs? What do our readers, as well as Pro Helvetia and the Federal Office of Culture, have to say?
What is actually behind the term "amateur"? What is the difference between professionals and amateurs? What do our readers, as well as Pro Helvetia and the Federal Office of Culture, have to say?
... like the bodger to the craft?
A tribute to the amateur and his predecessors
Is there a dilettante trench in the music business?
Readers respond
Partager son savoir-jouer
Petit panorama des musiciens amateurs en Suisse romande
Do amateurs sing more beautifully than professionals?
The director of the European Youth Choir Festival is looking for answers
You can't put a price on recognition
Discussion about the BAK and Pro Helvetia's support for lay people
... and also
On the death of Christian Buxhofer: Obituary by Markus Fleck
Pianos historiques : témoins des caractéristiques stylistiques du passé
Amateurs interpret Schubert songs in Bruno Moll's new film
Maria Portens Witch-Kconcerts and Mischa Käser's Bewitched
Le jeune festival lausannois N/O/D/E
Reviews Classical/Jazz/Rock & Pop - New releases books, sheet music, CDs
Carte Blanche with Michael Kube
Models of talent promotion at the Forum Musikalische Bildung
Reading Concerts sacrés de Duke Ellington par les étudiants de l'HEMU
Freelance music teachers since Zwingli's time
Reviews - Reviews of teaching literature
klaxon - Children's page
Riddle Jean-Damien Humair is looking for