Wasser – Inspiration und Material

The desire to imitate water has left many traces in music.


Les noces de la musique et de l'eau
Water is one of the most appreciated natural references by composers.

Sounds like inside a sperm whale
Cyrill Schläpfer and the soundscape of Lake Lucerne

L'hydraule, un véritable orgue
L'instrument a été inventée au 3e siècle avant notre ère par un ingénieur.

A performance is not just sound
Interview with Franziska Welti, among other things about singing in the water

Highly honored and poorly paid
The musicians of the on-board band on the "Titanic"

... and also

75 years of music festival in Lucerne

Entangled in the fairytale forest
World premiere of The cold heart in Bern

Richard Wagner and Heinrich Schenker - two aesthetic paradigms

La culture britannique influence mes origines suisse
Entretien avec Serge Vuille

The Dandy "in Conversation"
Dieter Meier exhibition in Aarau

Modern technology and copyright
Music Meeting Day of the SVMV

Impoverishment in Basel's musical life

New publications (books, sheet music, CDs)

Carte Blanche
with Hans Brupbacher

Paul and the lone fighters
ADHD and ADD in music schools

klaxon Children's page

Highlights of the choir fair in Dortmund

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