Reisen – Musik unterwegs

Around 1700, a cello-playing count travels to Italy to listen to "guethe wälsche music". In 1876, workers from northern Italy travel to Airolo to build the tunnel. A brass band is founded to counter the homesickness. In 2012, the Orchestra d'archi giovanile della Svizzera Italiana travels to Vienna to win a competition.


"guethe wälsche Music"
Music tours around 1700   Audio samples

De l'agogique dans mon tambour...
Apprendre et enseigner les percussions aux origines exotiques   Exemples audio

The Banda of Airolo
The history of this brass band shows Switzerland as a transit country.

In viaggio dentro e fuori la musica
Come si prepara un'orchestra giovanile per un concorso all'estero?
A youth orchestra takes part in a competition abroad.

" Les musiciens jouent mieux à l'extérieur "
The organization of a tour involves a lot of logistical work.

On the onward journey
Works from the canon as a starting point for something new

... and also


Resistance and counterpoint
Marc Kilchenmann's composed concert in Berlin

Concours Reine Elisabeth 2013
A shining winner from Israel

New publications (books, sheet music, CDs)
Book review Classical music: Why you shouldn't listen to Wagner in the car
CD review Rock & Pop: Swing, momentum and butterflies

Carte Blanche with Roman Brotbeck


Les aléas d'une nouvelle loi sur l'éducation musicale... au Brésil
Eléments d'un entretien avec Felipe Radicetti

Reviews Teaching literature


Riddle Torsten Möller is looking for ...