Akkordeon — raus aus den gängigen Schubladen

Is the impression deceptive or is the accordion really on the rise? We take a look around the music schools, hear from a quartet that "serves up" great repertoire works for strings and accordion in a new way; and Sofia Gubaidulina, who brought the Eastern European bayan into new music, is of course not to be missed.


Not only snow waltzes
The accordion is gaining ground at music schools and universities.

The sound of the suffering human being
Sofia Gubaidulina initiated a renaissance of the accordion in contemporary music. "The way out of the dead end" for Elsbeth Moser.

L'accordéon au Chili : instrument phare de la cueca
Un intérêt retrouvé pour le folklore remet l'instrument au goût du jour.

Sans sourdine, mais avec accordéon
Un ensemble instrumental hors du commun : nonSordino !

La fisarmonica come incarnazione del contemporaneo
Il percorso attraverso i generi di Danilo Boggini

and furthermore


L'improvisation, une question de responsabilité et d'engagement.
Interview avec Jonas Kocher

Beat - Speak - Draw
Swiss composers enriched Berlin's Maerzmusik with physical immediacy.

Swiss Jazz Awards: effective commitment
Credit Suisse Sponsorship Award and Jazz Prize of Zürcher Kantonalbank

A springboard - also abroad
m4music has become the most important meeting place for the Swiss music industry.

5 centimes for 100 streams
A lot of music is heard - meagre money goes to the artists: this was discussed at the m4music festival.

Carte Blanche with Markus Ganz

New publications (books, sheet music, CDs)



Tools, tricks and theoretical background
Continuing education in rock and pop at Bern University of the Arts

Times are changing and with them the school subject of music
An exhibition at the Bern School Museum in Köniz

Talent factory in the Alps
A new model for promoting young talent at the Interlaken Classics festival

Teaching literature



Strict and open Puzzle by Thomas Meyer