Othmar Schoeck Festival in Brunnen

From September 1 to 11, the 130th birthday of Othmar Schoeck and the 175th birthday of his father, the painter Alfred Schoeck, will be celebrated with concerts, an exhibition, a song competition, a symposium and other events.

Local associations, national partners and international experts are all involved. In this way, a wide range of interest groups are addressed, from residents of Brunnen to Schoeck lovers scattered around the world. The festival board of trustees would like to make the work of Othmar Schoeck (1886-1957) "more widely known again" and "popularize it", as it writes in the press release of 4 March. The exhibition in the Galerie am Leewasser shows works by landscape painter Alfred Schoeck (1841-1931) and opens the doors to the studio in Villa Ruhheim, the Schoeck family home, which provided Alfred's four sons with a "creative nest" where they could explore their artistic inclinations.

With regard to the composer Schoeck, the festival aims to "document the composer's lifelong connection with Central Switzerland on the one hand, but also present the internationally renowned composer on the other". Brunner Musikvereine and professional musicians from all over Switzerland will perform works by the composer in an opening concert, a chamber music concert and a symphony concert, "while the Bern University of the Arts is organizing an international symposium on Schoeck's last opera, Dürande Castleorganized. Various events, including a performance series and an international Othmar Schoeck competition for song duos, will take place in the rooms of the Villa Schoeck. (...) Also in the series Schwyz booklets Schoeck's correspondence with Hermann Hesse will be published in full for the first time at the festival."



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