About happiness for four

Last December saw the premiere of the new in-house string quartet academy "The Quartet Experience" at Künstlerhaus Boswil. This November, the academy will be held for the second time. It is a unique program in Switzerland.

The Quartet Experience 2023. photo: zVg/Künstlerhaus Boswil

The format, created at the suggestion of artistic director Hugo Bollschweiler, fits seamlessly into the long academy tradition of the artists' house a. It is aimed at young string quartets at the beginning of their professional career and supports them in their professional development.

The first edition 2023

Last year, four selected young quartets from Sweden, Germany, Spain and Switzerland came to Boswil with a scholarship to spend a week immersed in the string quartet universe. The Spanish Cuarteto Quiroga, one of the outstanding string quartets of the younger generation, was brought to the academy as ensemble in residence and lecturer quartet.

The quartet introduced itself to the audience and participants with an inspiring kick-off concert at the beginning of the week. In addition to regular ensemble lessons - alternating between all the instructors -, joint classes and intensive rehearsals, the academy included additional modules such as score study, performance coaching, program dramaturgy, career planning and workshops on inner and outer communication with mental coach Evamaria Felder.

The learning process was the main focus of the week: together with the teachers, the students became part of a large learning family that exchanged ideas, encouraged and inspired each other. At the final public concert in the old church in Boswil, the four quartets presented the results of the academy week to an enthusiastic audience and, together with the Cuarteto Quiroga, performed a Bach chorale from all four corners of the darkened old church as a contemplative finale.

Register now for the Academy 2024

The second edition of "The Quartet Experience" will take place from November 17 to 24, 2024. This year, the Finnish quartet META4, founded in 2001, will be traveling to Künstlerhaus Boswil. Registration deadline: September 8, 2024


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