Generosity in dialog

The handbook on philanthropic relations by Elisa Bortoluzzi Dubach and Chiara Tinonin is now available in German.

This book, which was previously only available in Italian, illustrates the most important tools for finding patrons and philanthropists and offers useful tips for solving philanthropic tasks in a targeted manner. It shows step by step how to find the right patrons for a project and how to create the optimal framework conditions to start and positively shape a collaboration with them.

Generosity in dialog was written for all those who can benefit from patronage, for philanthropy specialists, communications professionals, marketing experts, employees of non-profit organizations, artists and cultural workers, but also students and people who are naturally generously committed to the common good.

Elisa Bortoluzzi Dubach, Chiara Tinonin: Grosszügigkeit im Dialog, Der Leitfaden für die Zusammenarbeit mit Mäzenen und Philanthropen, 200 pages, Fr. 29.00, Haupt, Bern 2022, ISBN 978-3-258-08284-4

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