Lexicon of moods

Hans Eugen Frischknecht has compiled over 300 different temperaments for the tuning of keyboard instruments from the literature and presented them on a website.

Graphical representation of the deviation from equal temperament using an example. (screenshot),SMPV

It is impossible to tune the 12 chromatic notes in such a way that all intervals sound completely pure. For this reason, dozens of suggestions have been made over the centuries as to how keyboard instruments should be tuned. The organist and former university lecturer Hans Eugen Frischknecht has spent a long time studying these tunings and now presents them in a comprehensive online encyclopaedia in collaboration with the scientist Jakob Schmid.

The introduction explains the acoustic principles of temperament and the system of the lexicon. Several tone examples audibly illustrate the sometimes very large differences between the temperaments. For each temperament, the deviations from the underlying equal temperament are not only given in cent values, they are also very easy to understand thanks to the graphic representation and - as soon as you click on a chord - you can even hear them. There is also a free system in which you can develop your own new tunings.

The lexicon can be found on the website of the Association of German Organ Builders:

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