Music theory 2.0

"musik-wissen - easy to learn" is a complete solution with analog and digital tools that enables individual yet guided acquisition of musical knowledge.

Photo: zVg

Music theory, the competent reading, understanding and implementation of sheet music, is important. But neither in individual instrumental lessons nor in classroom lessons at schools and grammar schools is there enough time to teach this in an exciting and sustainable way. music knowledge - easy to learn offers all the necessary tools for acquiring musical knowledge, from the five lines of the staff to the requirements of a music Matura examination. The teaching material is divided horizontally into four levels and vertically into the topics of music theory, rhythm, performance markings, form theory and play music. A set of three coordinated teaching materials is available for each level.

1st workbook
The layout is appealing and modern, the explanations are logical and very easy to understand. Learning success is promoted with tightly written texts, many graphics and partner exercises. In instrumental lessons, this teaching aid is a useful addition to instrumental schools.

2. e-learning
Learners are guided through the book. Many audio and video clips supplement the explanations, making the theory sound and come alive. Worksheets and tests ensure learning success. A comprehensive platform is available for homeschooling and flipped classrooms. E-learning can be carried out at home on a computer and on the move on a tablet or smartphone, with the current learning progress always being saved.
Outsourcing the actual theory lessons makes it possible to support everyone in a class with different levels according to their level.

3. hearing training
Practicing is also important. That's why each level is supplemented with customized listening training in the areas of ear training, rhythm and singing/playing. Like e-learning, e-training can be carried out from any location.
Teachers have an overview of learning progress at all times and can provide help and support if necessary. Students can contact the teacher with one click if they have any questions.

Further information, demo material and contact to the authors Emil Wallimann and Peter Wespi:

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