A journey on the sound arcs of music

"Music is incredibly versatile. Music is therapy, music is science, music is also the eternal laws of nature and the universe. Music permeates matter." Yehudi Menuhin

Photo: Stefan Kubli,Photo: zVg/Lassalle-Haus,Photo: Manuela Burkart/Lassalle-Haus,SMPV

You've probably already experienced this: you hear a piece of music, a melody, and suddenly your heart soars - you could whoop with happiness. Or you come home angry because something has gone completely wrong and instinctively reach for the CD that will give you some breathing space.

Music goes straight to the heart, without detours via the intellect. The sense of hearing is the only one of our senses that is directly connected to the limbic system, the emotional center of the brain. And so music resonates directly with our moods, can deepen or change them. Above all, however, music is one of the surest door openers to the realms of the unconscious; it releases blockages or resistance and gives us access to hidden resources.

Music as a guide
Try it out for yourself! If you are about to make a decision that you are struggling with, you could try the following: First, visualize the situation at hand. What is at stake? What alternatives are available? Then A hero's life, the hero's escape from the world and completion by Richard Strauss so that all you have to do is press the button to play the music. Lie down, relax and visualize the question you are looking for an answer to. Then search for a path in your mind, go to a fork in the road, let the music take effect on you - what images, symbols, feelings emerge? Where does the path take you? What changes? After the last bar of the piece, give yourself some time to process the impressions.

Anna Röcker

When I listened to this very piece during my first course with music therapist Anna Röcker at Lassalle-Haus and went "on a journey" with it, I didn't know immediately after the music faded out which would be the right decision. But based on the images and moods that emerged during my musical journey, I sensed which path was more suitable and also recognized which resistances were there that made my choice more difficult. I can only say: it turned out well, I was able to let go of something, give up an activity that took up a lot of time and energy and with which I was never completely satisfied.  

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