Audio streaming services in comparison

Apple Music, the new audio streaming service from the iTunes operator, is set to put pressure on established competitors such as Spotify, Deezer, Rdio and others. The computer magazine "Chip" tested the service, range of functions and ease of use.

Photo: Christian Seidel/,SMPV

Extensive music libraries are a prerequisite for the streaming concept. As a rule, no service disappoints here. In their sample test, the Chip-experts can find up to 85% of all albums and around 95% of singles - including chart music, indie tracks and alternative titles. However, acoustic gaps often cannot be filled anywhere, as some artists reject the streaming model or conclude exclusive contracts with individual providers.

Price models and quality
The cost structure of the providers hardly differs: for a continuous subscription price of 10 euros per month, users not only play files endlessly via PC and cell phone, but also save favorites on their mobile device at the same time. Music can thus be listened to on the go without a network connection or load. In terms of quality, the services have no weaknesses. At up to 320 kilobits per second, the sound quality is very good and can hardly be distinguished from CD sound.

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