From Pacific 231 to Hunkeler

The "Swiss Film Music Anthology 1923-2012" offers the first comprehensive historical overview of the development of Swiss film music in all genres.

Photo: Grey59/,SMPV

The anthology takes the form of a box with three audio CDs: Swiss film music starting with Arthur Honegger's compositions for Pacific 231 (1924), La roue (1923), Napoleon (1927) on excerpts from the sound tracks of Romeo and Juliet in the village (Jack Trommer, 1941), Uli the farmhand (Robert Blum, 1954), Jean Luc persécuté (Guy Bovet, 1966), Steppenwolf (George Gruntz, 1974), Bonfire (Mario Beretta, 1985), The Congress of the Penguins (Bruno Spörri, 1993) up to The boy to be hunted (Ben Jeger, 2011) and Hunkeler and the eyes of Oedipus (Christine Aufderhaar, 2012).

A DVD with musically remarkable short films, including commercials, from 1934-2011 and a book that tells the story of Swiss film music from its beginnings in silent film to current examples round off the publication.

The anthology, published by the Fondation Suisa under the artistic direction of music and media scientist Mathias Spohr, bears witness to the enormous wealth of high-quality film music in Switzerland.

The Swiss Film Music Anthology 1923-2012 is available in book and CD shops or via:


Box with three audio CDs, a DVD and a book, edited by Mathias Spohr, in German, French, Italian and English, hardcover, 400 p., Fr. 69.00, Chronos Verlag, Zurich 2015,
ISBN 978-3-0340-1265-2


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