Stay at the Swiss Institute in Rome

As part of its Studio Roma program, the Istituto Svizzero di Roma (ISR) is offering places for a stay at Villa Maraini in Rome. Musicians can also apply.

Photo: Antonino Alibrando /,SMPV

The call for applications is open to Swiss citizens and persons resident in Switzerland or applicants with proven links to Swiss cultural or scientific institutions. The age limit is forty years at the end of the application period.

The duration of the stay is usually between four and ten months (between October and July). The members receive board and lodging as well as a job. Applicants must apply for funding for other living expenses themselves. Those who have not received funding despite demonstrable efforts receive a grant of CHF 1500 per month. Active participation in the Studio Roma studio is an integral part of the residency conditions. Applications can be submitted by February 9, 2015 at the latest.

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