Outstanding artists and recordings 2014

On January 20, the ICMA jury announced this year's winners. Among them are Charles Dutoit, Andreas Häfliger and the Coro della Radiotelevisione della Svizzera Italiana and I Barocchisti under the direction of Diego Fasolis.

Coro della Radiotelevisione della Svizzera Italiana and I Barocchisti. Photo: zvg,SMPV

The International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) are the only international music awards for classical music that are presented by an independent jury. It consists exclusively of professional classical music critics working for magazines, radio stations and internet services from 13 countries. The following media are currently represented: Andante (Turkey), Classic Radio (Finland), Crescendo (Belgium), Fono Forum (Germany), Gramofon (Hungary), IMZ (Austria), Kultura (Russia), MDR-Figaro (Germany), Musica (Italy), Musik & Theater (Switzerland), Opera (England), Orpheus Radio (Russia), pizzicato (Luxembourg), Radio 100,7 (Luxembourg), Resmusica.com (France), Rondo Classic (Finland) and Scherzo (Spain).

The jury selected 16 CD and DVD productions from 264 nominated productions. It also presented seven special awards to recognize outstanding musicians and producers. The Swiss conductor Charles Dutoit was awarded a prize for his life's work, Andreas Staier was named Artist of the Year and Adrien Boisseau Young Artist of the Year. The title Label of the Year goes to the Spanish company Glossa Music, and the jury was impressed by the best classical music website, that of Metropolitan Opera Archive. The SWR Symphony Orchestra Baden-Baden and Freiburg and the Ludwig van Beethoven Society in Krakow will also each receive an award for special achievements.


Award-winning CDs and DVDs:

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