Training device for the correct bow position

A bow trainer that is easy to attach to the music stand allows the hand to grip the bow at the correct angle.

Photo: zvg,zvg,SMPV

Anyone who teaches the violin knows that bowing is a demanding area. Simon Loosli is a violin teacher at the music schools Konservatorium Bern and Muri-Gümligen. In his many years of teaching, he has repeatedly addressed the question of how to teach less talented pupils the correct bow position.

If learners pick up the bow directly from the violin case or music stand, this has several disadvantages:
The hand grips slightly from above and the fingers are stretched as a result. The result is the notoriously compressed thumb, which has a negative effect on the sound and restricts the mobility of the hand. In addition, the entire weight of the bow rests on the little finger and this can lead to cramping.
Based on these thoughts, Simon Loosli came up with the idea of constructing a practicing aid that allows students to hold the bow at the correct angle. To do this, a piece of wood is screwed to the music stand. The recess holds the bow at the correct angle for the violinist. This means that the bow can no longer be gripped with the wrong hand position. The bow trainer is therefore not just a bow holder, but an actual training device that also gives learners the opportunity to control and execute the bow position correctly at home.



Positive experiences when using the Bowtrainer

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