Excerpt from a sonata for solo violin by Johann Sebastian Bach in the voluminous acoustics of an imposing factory hall.


"A stream flows through the factory" is the result of a collaboration between the artist duo Baggenstos/Rudolf and violinist Davni Ledergerber. The video was created especially for the exhibition "die fabrik ruft" (the factory calls) in the former cement factory site in Brunnen, Schwyz (Sept. 2012). It was presented on a flat screen suspended on wire ropes over the abyss of the hall. The sound could be heard through headphones. This had the striking effect that the sounds of spectators and other acoustic sources in the exhibition seemed to fade out. As soon as you put on the headphones, you found yourself in the empty factory hall with the sounds of the violin. Structural and acoustic architecture enter into a dialog. One reason why the Sonata No. 1 in G minor BWV 1001 (1st movement) by Sebastian Bach was chosen. 

The video lasts 5′ 17"; the DVD can be ordered from: 

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A stream flows through the factory (excerpt)

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