Under the sign of the animals

Bandleader Matthias Kohler has come up with a concept album for the new work by his band This Is Pan. It focuses on the local animal world, which is approached through smartly arranged jazz.

Photo: Karin Salathé

Matthias Kohler is always on the lookout for inspiration: As an artist in residence in New York in 2016, the river there drove him to his Hudson Suite while the wild boar was at the origin of the new work by his band This Is Pan. The Bernese musician came across it as a heraldic animal during a stay in the south of France. This first gave rise to a musical motif and then the idea for a concept album.

Kohler had decided to create a musical monument to the local animal world. Consequently, the Animal Heart Now it's not just an album full of driving melodies, but also an animalistic parade in which lynx, deer, horses and birds of prey do the honors alongside wild boar. What's more, the eleven pieces were written in a euphoric phase, which is also noticeable in the extremely variable, agile and lively sound: band leader Matthias Kohler on saxophone and his four comrades-in-arms, Lukas Thoeni (trumpet), André Pousaz (bass), Gregor Hilbe (drums) and guitarist Dave Gisler, had to wait until the end of the lockdown before they could meet up live again and start playing together. The joy of the reunion is reflected in playful joy, rhythmic flights of fancy and wild harmonies.

While All The Pretty Horses traces the grace of the horses with a sustained melody and combines it with tasteful wind instruments and free-flowing guitar interjections. I Saw A Lynx Once with arabesque motifs and intricate twists. Another highlight, Red Milan, uses wind instruments to trace the nervousness of the birds that have to defend their nest in flight - it is direct, unadulterated and intense. Animal Heart offers smartly arranged and free-spirited jazz that is brilliantly performed and knows how to utilize its unrelenting curiosity and love of experimentation. The result speaks for itself.

This Is Pan: Animal Heart. Matthias Kohler, saxophone; Lukas Thoeni, trumpet; Dave Gisler, guitar; André Pousaz, bass; Gregor Hilbe, drums and electronics; Sissel Vera Pettersen, vocals (track 11). Anuk Label ANUK 0044

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