Formative significance for Switzerland

Roman Summereder has recorded all of Anton Heiller's works for solo organ.

Brucknerorgel in der Stiftsbasilika St. Florian. Foto: Greg Kraftschik, wikimedia commons

An organist writes for his instrument: If the organ works of the Viennese Anton Heiller (1923-79) were to be seen only as the result of this rather frequent process, the present recording would probably be unspectacular. Although Heiller achieved worldwide attention as an interpreter of Bach's organ works and as an organ teacher, this only mentions the part of his activities that also made him a formative influence in Switzerland. Many Swiss organists, including those who later taught at universities themselves, studied with him, such as Monika Henking, Bernhard Billeter and Jean-Claude Zehnder.

Heiller's career shows enormous versatility: he worked not only as a composer and organist, but also as a harpsichordist, pianist (including under Sacher and Ansermet with works by Frank Martin) and conductor (e.g. with F. Schmidt's A book with seven sealsin Lucerne in 1974, among other places). At the latest since the publication of P. Planyavsky's biography (Vienna 2009), he has been attracting more attention again; a Heiller cycle took place in Muri AG as early as 2004. The catalog of works contains a great deal of choral music - from simple a cappella masses to symphonic works such as Psalm cantata (1955), François Villon (1956) and Stabat Mater (1968).

When describing the organ works, comparisons are often made, for example to David's counterpoint, to Hindemith's lucid late style, to Martin's synthesis of tonal references and dodecaphony and to the rhythmic and modal principles of Alain and Messiaen. The accumulation of such comparisons is dangerous, as it gives rise to the unjustified fear that Heiller composed in a dependent or syncretic manner. What is essential is his ability to shape different parameters of composition with equal intensity and to present a dense and repetition-free oeuvre without using formulas.

Heiller's pupil Summereder plays at the highest level on the Bruckner organ at St. Florian Abbey, which was also important for Heiller's development. The excellent recording technique and the informative booklet also make this production a must for all those who want to get to know the music of the post-war period beyond the usual textbook knowledge.

CD 1 of the complete recording contains early organ works up to 1949, CD 2 mainly organ works on Gregorian themes from 1957 onwards, CD 3 will be released in the course of the year.


Anton Heiller: Sämtliche Werke für Orgel solo. Roman Summereder an der «Bruckner-Orgel» der Stiftsbasilika St. Florian, Oberösterreich. Ambiente Musikproduktion ACD-2027 und ACD-2028

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