Sophisticated music for cello and organ

In the "Sonata da chiesa" by Harald Feller, the cello can stand out through lyrical passages.

Harald Feller, 2022, photo: Nila Thiel/wikimedia commons

Harald Feller (*1951) teaches organ at the Institute for Church Music at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich. Several of his compositions have been awarded prizes. He is also known for his interpretation of the famous organ part in the film Sleeping Brother. His catalog of works includes compositions for choir a cappella, vocal music with ensemble or orchestra, music for keyboard instruments, chamber music and orchestral pieces.

The present four-movement Sonata da Chiesa for cello (viola) and organ is based on the musical material of Feller's 2006 work Feldafinger Fair for 7-part mixed choir, strings, harp, percussion and organ. The movement titles of the sonata correspond to the structure of the mass: Kyrie eleison - Calm, expressive; Gloria in excelsis Deo - Lively, very rhythmic; Sanctus - Benedictus - Calm, solem; Communio - Adagio. Feller's compositional style is sometimes reminiscent of Maurice Duruflé, Flor Peeters or even film music.

The cello part offers predominantly rewarding, lyrical tasks, although in the third movement there are some demanding double-stop passages in the high register (range: G-f2). According to the composer, "a large part of the organ part must be played on two manuals, as the hands often overlap. Attention must be paid to when one voice should be prominent or when the two hands can be played equally on two or even one manual. It is important that the organ part always remains varied and transparent."

The sonata is suitable as liturgical music in church services, but can also be used as a concert piece. The not too rich repertoire of original literature for cello and organ is enriched in an original way with this technically demanding composition. A transposed version for viola is also available as a supplement.

Harald Feller: Sonata da chiesa for cello (viola) and organ, EW 1229, € 19.80, Edition Walhall, Magdeburg

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