Strauss songs by opus numbers

New, beautifully simple booklets contain two, four or six songs by Richard Strauss, depending on the group of works.

Strauss caricature by Major, 1911. Wikimedia commons

Richard Strauss' song albums have been published in four volumes by Universal Edition. Each for high, medium and low voice. So far this leaves nothing to be desired. Nevertheless, the publisher has decided to publish the songs additionally in small, thin and user-friendly booklets, each containing the works of one opus number (op. 10, 19, 21, 26, 27, 29 and 32). They follow the text of the Critical Edition. Does this foreshadow a replacement for Tablet & Co?

The notebooks are light, handy, easy to transport and belong together. The only disadvantage: everything looks the same on the shelf. The titles are not printed on the plain white cardboard cover, only the opus number (which is why it looks so attractive). So you have to know: Aha, Opus 32, that was O sweet Mayor Opus 29, is true: Dream through the twilight. Otherwise a good, aesthetic, appealing thing and therefore also quite suitable for the stage.

The booklets contain English translations and are available at a low price.

Richard Strauss: Four songs for medium voice with piano accompaniment op. 27, UE 37987, € 19.95, Universal Edition, Vienna (example)


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