Wooden block Wooden block Cymbal bell Wooden block ...

Michael H. Lang's drumset school uses the rhythm of words to learn rhythmic figures.

Photo: Hal Gatewood/unsplash.com

"Finally a drumset school for beginners that stands out from the numerous other schools!" - Instead of the boring practicing of two-bar patterns and endless explanations with long text passages, Michael H. Lang's course provides a lot of playing material with a clear structure. With 107 exercises and pieces as well as 14 solos in various levels of difficulty, the author combines learning, practicing and making music in a methodically sensible way on over 140 pages.

Learning rhythmic building blocks is easier and quicker with words that the pupils already know. The author has selected 6 basic figures and suitable names to start with, which are gradually introduced without the need for long explanations. In the field of percussion, cowbell, glockenspiel, cymbal bell and wood block are common, understandable words anyway; as objects, they are tangible and can be found in the classroom. These words have their own rhythm and when they are spoken while playing, the figures played are automatically in tune.

"Our pupils are curious, they want to learn, they want to play, they want to have fun. And fun only comes from playing. They have fun because they can do something. That's why we shouldn't be afraid to teach the children a lot," writes Michael H. Lang.

So why should the children be plagued with 1e+e 2e+e 3e+e 4e+e, for example, which is very abstract and plays no role at all at the beginning? The pupils only need a few, but easily understandable basics to be able to play, and not abstract and complicated idioms. The children quickly learn the basic rhythms set out by Michael H. Lang from the very first lesson and on all the instruments that the drum kit has to offer. This is because they want to play on the entire drum set right from the start. Once they have mastered these basic rhythms, everything else goes much more smoothly.


Michael H. Lang: Drumset-Schule, modified new edition, GN 114590, € 26.80, Musikeigenverlag Michael H. Lang 2022, www.michaelhlang.de

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