No jingling streetcars

A breathtaking bravura piece for trumpet and piano that is worth the great effort.

Photo: Isabell Richter/

tramway vienna-bratislava is the title of a new piece by the well-known Swiss composer Mathias Rüegg, who lives in Vienna. Anyone imagining this title to mean a tranquil trip to Bratislava in an old streetcar carriage will be disabused right from the first bars: extremely fast tempi, a pianist who uses his grand piano like a cajon, only the saving two fermata bars give the players and the listener a short breather in the initial phase. It quickly becomes clear that this is a piece composed by an expert for experts. Mathias Rüegg himself writes: "Difficulty level 11 out of 10".

Mathias Rüegg proves that this work is playable despite the immense technical demands (rhythm, height, rapid changes of mute, etc.) with a link to a recording with the dedicatee of this composition, the fantastic trumpeter Juraj Bartos, together with his equally talented piano partner Ladislav Fanzowitz. A challenge for every trumpeter and pianist. But it is worth accepting!


Mathias Rüegg: tramway vienna - bratislava, for trumpet and piano, D 05748, € 17.95, Doblinger, Vienna 2011

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