Enjoyable mini paperback

Basic knowledge of classical music, served up with lots of drawings and humor.

One of the numerous drawings by Linda Grädel. zVg

The author, who has directed choirs in Schaffhausen and works as a concert reviewer, wants to bring people closer to classical music with this colorful little book. The musical terms listed, from "absolute pitch" to "magic", are spiced up with humorous comments, 14 special composers from Hildegard von Bingen to John Cage are given a special page, 350 are listed with their life dates and musical style and the orchestral instruments are drawn and named.

On every other page, Linda Grädel's lively drawings depict the dedication of musicians. Helpful and inspiring for young music students and concertgoers.

Gisela Zweifel-Fehlmann: Classical music is great! The musical glossary including a list of composers for beginners, with drawings by Linda Grädel, 160 p., Fr. 10.00, Edition ABCDEF..., Diessenhofen 2023, ISBN 978-3-03858-732-3 (print)

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