Basic income for artists
In a pilot project, 2000 Irish artists receive a state basic income of 325 euros per week. In Germany, the association "Mein Grundeinkommen" is giving away an unconditional monthly income of 1000 euros for one year at a time.

According to a report by the German newspaper New Music Newspaper (nmz) in Ireland applied for the 105 million euro program. Who can benefit from the money has been chosen at random. 707 recipients are visual artists, plus 584 musicians. Irish artists can also work tax-free if they earn no more than 50,000 euros a year.
In Germany, according to nmz The association "Mein Grundeinkommen" (My Basic Income) is offering unconditional monthly payments of 1000 euros for one year at a time. For a long-term study, which is being carried out together with the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), 122 randomly selected people will each receive 1,200 euros per month for three years.
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