Basel cantons reorganize cultural responsibilities

In Basel, the responsibilities for the specialist committees in the area of partnership project funding will be redefined. As of January 1, 2024, the office of the Basel-Landschaft Cantonal Music Committee will be transferred to the Canton of Basel-Stadt.

Basler Kantone regeln Kulturzuständigkeiten neu
Photo: Wavebreakmedia/

The Department of Culture of the Canton of Basel-Stadt and the Department of Cultural Promotion of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft have been working together for many years in the area of project-oriented contemporary cultural promotion.

The offices of the Film & Media Art and Literature committees are currently located at the Basel-Stadt Department of Culture, while those of the Dance & Theater and Music committees are located at the Basel-Landschaft Department of Cultural Promotion.

As of January 1, 2024, the office of the Music Committee will be transferred to the Canton of Basel-Stadt. In return, the management of the Literature Committee will be transferred to the Canton of Basel-Landschaft.

According to the press release from the canton of Basel-Stadt, the bicantonal cooperation will also be expanded to include a regional structural development allowance from 2024. It is intended to support institutions and funding bodies with regard to structural and organizational development. The canton of Basel-Landschaft is responsible for managing this specialist lump sum.

More info:–und-kulturfoerderung-rrbsbl.html

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