Music Days Switzerland

Together with other partner organizations, Sonart - Musikschaffende Schweiz and the Swiss Musicians' Association want to initiate the "Musiktage Schweiz" (working title).

My Life Through A Lens /

According to Sonart - Music Creators Switzerland, it has become apparent that there is a lack of regular artistic exchange at a national level in Switzerland. There is a lack of "a showcase that is visible throughout Switzerland and also attracts attention abroad". Together with the Swiss Musicians' Association and other organizations, a representative place of exchange is therefore to be created, "as has long existed in Solothurn for film and literature".

A management personality is therefore being sought to lead the project on a mandate basis from January 1, 2023. Applications can be submitted until November 4.

The detailed job advertisement can be found on the Website of Sonart - Music Creators Switzerland. Link.

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