Awards from the City of Zurich

This year, the City of Zurich is awarding a total of CHF 633,000 in work years, work grants and awards to 22 artists and three collectives in six funding categories.

soyuz21. photo: Hannah Beutler

In Jazz Rock Pop, Dino Brandão, Franziska Staubli and Sandra Weiss will receive a year's work worth CHF 48,000. In serious music, Manfred Werder (composition) and soyuz21 (interpretation) will each receive a year's work (CHF 48,000).

Mayor Corine Mauch will present the awards on Friday, November 25, 2022, at a ceremony for invited guests at Kaufleuten. The work years, work grants and awards are a key instrument of the City of Zurich for promoting the independent performing arts community.

In addition, the award for special cultural merit is presented in the name of the City Council to the Education for All Association, the supporting association of the Autonomous School of Zurich. This award is presented by the City Council at the same time as the City of Zurich Art Prize.

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