Pfister siblings honored with theater prize

The Federal Office of Culture (BAK) awards a theater prize to the musical cabaret Geschwister Pfister as part of the Grand Prix Performing Arts ceremony.

Pfister siblings (Image: BAK / Charlotte Krieger)

For over 30 years, the music cabaret has been known for its perfected programs, writes the BAK. Its founders met at drama school in Bern and now operate from Berlin, often addressing a non-theater-affine audience, including queer audiences.

The fictional Swiss-American family, which is entirely dedicated to musical entertainment, was founded in the early 1990s by Christoph Marti, Tobias Bonn, Max Gertsch (as Willy Pfister) and Lilian Naef (as Lilo Pfister). Since 1995, Christoph Marti alias Ursli Pfister, born 1965 in Bern, Tobias Bonn alias Toni Pfister, born 1964 in Bonn with Andreja Schneider alias Fräulein Schneider, born 1964 in Zagreb, have been the core formation of the Pfister siblings.

The musical cabaret is accompanied live by the Jo Roloff Quartet. The Pfister siblings usually start their shows at the "Bar jeder Vernunft" in Berlin and then go on extensive tours throughout the German-speaking world. The Pfister siblings were awarded the Salzburger Stier in 1993 and a Prix Walo in 1995.

The special prizes of the Grand Prix Performing Arts are awarded to individuals or institutions who have "made an outstanding contribution to the diverse creative output of the performing arts in Switzerland". The prize money amounts to CHF 40,000 in each case.

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