Basel Culture Prize for Les Reines Prochaines
"Les Reines Prochaines & Friends" receive the Basel Culture Prize. The Basel-Stadt Department of Culture honors the "Sondershop" association, led by Sebastian Day and Tabea Wappler, with the cultural promotion prize.
The Basel-based author band "Les Reines Prochaines", currently featuring Muda Mathis, Sus Zwick and Fränzi Madörin, has a long international career behind it. Founded in the midst of the youth and women's movement of the 1980s, it aims to challenge traditional art and gender boundaries with its program concepts. In 2019, the collective was awarded the Swiss Music Prize by the Federal Office of Culture for their work.
At the same time as the traditional Culture Prize, the Culture Department has been awarding the Culture Promotion Prize, endowed with CHF 10,000, since 2012. This year, it goes to the "Sondershop" project. Initiated by artist Sebastian Day in 2019, the project has quickly developed into an important platform for young fashion designers from the region.
The committee for the 2022 Culture Prize was made up of Mathias Balzer (journalist); Brigitte Häring (Radio SRF 2 Kultur); Steffi Klär (cultural worker and event manager); Iris Müller (owner of Müller Palermo Buch & Papier bookshop in Basel); Silvan Moosmüller (musicologist and literary scholar); Jiri Oplatek (graphic designer); Hannah Weinberger (artist); Werner Hanak (Deputy Head of the Culture Department, Chair); Jeannette Voirol (Head of Cultural Institutions, Culture Department).