Preservation of intangible cultural heritage

The Federal Office of Culture (FOC) is now promoting projects for the preservation of intangible cultural heritage, thereby emphasizing the important role of living traditions for sustainable development. Applications can be submitted annually.

A living tradition in the canton of Schwyz: schoolchildren playing "Chlefele". Photo: Pakeha (see below)

The aim of the measure is to promote projects aimed at raising awareness, networking, expanding knowledge and gaining expertise in relation to intangible cultural heritage. Two priorities have been defined for the years 2022 to 2024: Preservation and sustainability.

Projects in the area of preservation aim to ensure the continued existence of intangible cultural heritage, particularly through the dissemination and documentation of this heritage. This includes, for example, workshops in which craft skills are taught or educational projects that encourage young people to participate in traditional practices.

Projects with a focus on sustainability emphasize the contribution of living cultural heritage to sustainable development. This applies, for example, to the management of natural resources through traditional knowledge, the strengthening of social cohesion through folk festivals or the circular economy through craft techniques.

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