Position paper from Sonart

The Sonart General Assembly adopted a position paper on improving social and professional conditions in the cultural sector. The general meeting also approved the integration of the Smeca association of film and media composers.

Michael Kaufmann is president of Sonart Music Creators Switzerland. Photo: zVg/Archive SMZ

According to a press release, Sonart (Music Professionals Switzerland) is launching a social and professional policy campaign with this position paper: the 7-point program is intended to serve as a guideline and covers various areas of professional and social conditions. Among other things, it deals with social security and career paths: Sonart is calling for better protection for self-employed people in the event of loss of earnings and an improvement in the conditions for starting a career.

Further demands concern the continuation of Covid-19 measures as well as regional and national cultural policy. Sonart is committed to strengthening cultural policy and opposes the reduction of cultural budgets at all levels.

The integration of the Smeca association into Sonart was also decided at the Sonart general meeting. Smeca is the association of film and media composers and has around one hundred members.

Link to the position paper:

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