Get off the sofa and into the concert!

The Culture Taskforce is calling for a "cultural restart" in order to achieve a general "revitalization" of culture.

Photo (symbolic image): Konstantin Hopp /

In the past, the authorities have encouraged people to retreat into their own four walls to combat the pandemic. If the general epidemiological situation continues to develop positively, the Culture Taskforce believes the time is ripe for a new message from the authorities: "Get off the sofa and get into the concert!" It is due to the complexity of the sector that culture will not be in balance for a long time yet, writes the Culture Taskforce on February 2. It continued: "Cultural professionals and cultural enterprises in Switzerland were not left alone by the federal government and cantons during the pandemic. The various measures have made a decisive contribution to ensuring that there has been no cultural lockdown so far. However, it would be fatal to believe that all support and compensation measures would no longer be needed once the restrictions were lifted."

However, as the transformation projects are hardly suitable for bringing about a general "revitalization" of culture due to their narrow specifications, the Culture Taskforce suggests a lower-threshold "Culture Restart Programme". The Federal Council program for the tourism industry or the "Neustart Kultur" program in Germany could serve as models.

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