Better funding model for Basel orchestras

The Basel-Stadt cantonal government has approved the improved funding model for Basel orchestras. The program funding model in place since 2016 was evaluated externally in 2021. The Basel-Stadt Culture Department then revised it with the involvement of the orchestras.

One of the supported orchestras: Basel Sinfonietta. Photo: zVg

According to the canton's press release, the aim is to "take better account of the different business models of orchestras and simplify the application process". The improved model makes it possible to secure musicians' salaries in accordance with the guidelines of the Swiss Musicians' Association. It also gives the expert jury sufficient leeway to assess the orchestras' programs in terms of artistic quality.

The mandate to evaluate and optimize orchestra funding is set out in the cultural mission statement of the Basel-Stadt Cantonal Government Council 2020-2025 as the first milestone in a comprehensive review and further development of music funding. The next step is to introduce club funding and correct the historical imbalance of musical genres: Popular music and jazz are also to be "substantially strengthened". An initial pilot call for proposals in the field of jazz will be launched in 2022 as part of the cultural partnership with the canton of Basel-Landschaft.

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