Restrictive practice in corona acquisition replacement

Cancellations and postponements of cultural events are currently on the rise again.
Events. However, many applications for coronavirus replacement are rejected. Wrongly so, says the national Culture Taskforce.

Photo: miendienche/

The reason given by the cantonal compensation offices: There are currently no measures in force in the cultural sector decreed by the Confederation and the cantons that would entitle to compensation. In the view of the Culture Taskforce, this practice has no basis whatsoever.

Firstly, the argument that there are no current measures that would affect the cultural sector is simply wrong: Mandatory masks, mandatory certificates and the Federal Council's urgent recommendation to minimize contacts have a very direct impact on ticket sales and the economic feasibility of events - in both the cultural and private sectors (company parties, etc.).

Secondly, the timing for such a tightening of measures is in no way comprehensible: In view of rising case numbers and in order to avoid overloading hospitals, the Federal Council decided on new measures, which have already led to a large number of events being canceled again. Cultural professionals and event organizers have largely used up their financial reserves - and the forecasts for the coming weeks and months are pessimistic. It is unacceptable that the income replacement scheme is effectively being abolished at the very moment when it is urgently needed.

Thirdly, such handling cannot be derived from the Covid-19 Act, the ordinance or the current circulars from the Federal Social Insurance Office (FSIO). The fact that turnover in the affected sectors (which includes not only the cultural sector, but also the event industry and gastronomy) has not yet recovered is a direct consequence of the measures imposed in recent months to contain the pandemic.

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