Cultural dialog welcomes extension of measures

At its meeting on November 22, 2021, the National Cultural Dialogue discussed the implementation of Covid support measures in the cultural sector. Cantons, cities and municipalities support the Federal Council's proposed extension of the cultural provision in the Covid-19 Act until the end of 2022.

Photo: Volodymyr Hryshchenko/

The National Cultural Dialogue notes that the Covid support measures in place since March 2020 have proven their worth in the cultural sector. To date, a total of over 23,000 applications have been approved and CHF 420 million paid out. The aim is to preserve Switzerland's cultural diversity, writes the Confederation in its press release.

The current legal basis for the Covid-19 cultural measures expires at the end of 2021. In the upcoming winter session, the Federal Parliament will decide on an extension of the cultural measures in the Covid-19 Act. Cantons, cities and municipalities support the Federal Council's proposal to extend the cultural provision in the Covid-19 Act until the end of 2022. The members of the Cultural Dialogue are also calling on the electorate to vote in favor of the amendment to the Covid-19 Act on November 28, 2021.

The National Cultural Dialogue also addressed challenges that already existed before the pandemic but have become even more important in recent months, such as the appropriate compensation of cultural professionals.

The National Cultural Dialogue was established in 2011 and brings together representatives of the political authorities and cultural representatives from the cantons, cities, municipalities and the federal government. Its work is based on an agreement from 2011 and a multi-year work program. The political authorities form the strategic steering body of the National Cultural Dialogue with the head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA), representatives of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK), the Swiss Association of Cities (SSV) and the Swiss Association of Communes (SGV).

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