Is the cultural sector systemically relevant?

Are there trends that are emerging for the creative economies as a whole? And if so, what does this mean for employment figures? The Zurich Centre for Creative Economies (ZCCE) presents its latest analyses.

Photo: Damjan Dobrila / (see below)

In the first research note, Frédéric Martel, Roman Page, Christoph Weckerle and Simon Grand make a historical comparison with the Great Depression in America, before using qualitative interviews in the second part of the study to provide initial perspectives from the present. The third paper focuses on current statistics on the creative industries in Switzerland. And finally, the fourth research note looks at structural changes: What answers do the creative economies have to the challenges of the crisis?

Researchers at the ZCCE have been analyzing statistical data since 2003 in order to make the dimensions of the creative economies visible. They are now using their methods to measure the potential impact of the coronavirus crisis on the labor market.

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