Destruction of the digital market?

Ahead of a hearing of the Legal Affairs Committee in the Bundestag, the German Music Industry Association (BVMI) once again underlines its criticism and concern with regard to the national approach to implementing the DSM Directive in Germany.

Sigmund /

According to the BVMI, the draft law provides for a separate regulatory construct for Germany, which weakens the legal position of artists and the music companies working in partnership with them, while further strengthening the online platforms in some cases. In addition, special regulations in individual countries per se contradict the aim of the DSM Directive to create harmonized copyright law in the European digital single market.

The system of so-called presumed permitted uses would effectively incapacitate creatives and their partner companies because they would no longer be able to determine what essential and valuable parts of their content can be used for, how and by whom.

In future, up to 15 seconds of a piece of music, film or moving image, up to 160 characters of text, 125 kilobytes for photos and graphics could be used publicly in Germany free of permission and liability in return for a (low) collectively agreed flat-rate fee.

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