Men set the tone in orchestras

According to the German Music Information Center (miz), four out of ten positions in the 129 publicly funded orchestras in Germany are occupied by women, but only half as many in the section leader and soloist positions of highly remunerated orchestras.

Photo: Manuel Nägeli / (see below)

The orchestra survey "Am Pult der Zeit!?" shows for the first time how many men and women there are in German professional orchestras in the individual voice groups and in which positions. On average, 39.6 percent of orchestra members in German professional orchestras are female. As the reputation of the orchestra increases and the voice position rises, it becomes increasingly clear that the proportion of women in senior positions in top orchestras is particularly low at 21.9%.

A poster from the miz shows a detailed infographic on gender distribution in professional orchestras. It is available as a handy folded version with accompanying texts and in large-format quality print and is available free of charge for a shipping and service fee.

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