Bernese artists in a precarious situation

The financial situation of Bern's creative artists has deteriorated enormously in the space of a year. Financial reserves are continuously decreasing. This is shown by a survey carried out by Kultur Stadt Bern. Kultur Stadt Bern has therefore adjusted its funding measures at short notice.

Photo: Brina Blum / (see below)

To get an idea of the situation, Kultur Stadt Bern launched the survey "How are you doing? Cultural workers and corona in Bern". It was aimed at professional cultural workers from the Bern area and could be completed from January 29 to February 7, 2021. A total of 411 cultural professionals from numerous different cultural fields took part.

The survey shows that the financial situation of cultural professionals has deteriorated and that financial reserves are continuously decreasing or have already been used up. The more events are canceled or not planned, the more people in the creative industries (technology, graphics, photography, etc.) and suppliers (catering, event agencies, accommodation) are affected.

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