Cultural cutbacks at SRF

The Swiss Music Council finds it unacceptable that the cost-cutting measures of the company with a public service mandate were imposed without involving the music industry.

The SRF culture department works in the Meret Oppenheim high-rise in Basel. Photo: EinDao/WikiCommons

In its press release of February 11, the Music Council writes: "Cultural life and the live music sector in particular are in officially decreed hibernation. It is still completely unclear when this will end. It is precisely in this already extremely precarious and uncertain situation that SRF is taking austerity measures, particularly in the areas of classical music, jazz and film.

It seems to have been completely forgotten that the Swiss cultural sector, and in particular the cultural associations, played a key role in ensuring that the NoBillag vote did not turn into a disaster for the SRG. SRG's central role in the dissemination and production of Swiss culture was recognized by those involved in the cultural sector at the time and acknowledged by their commitment to opposing the initiative.

The Music Council finds it incomprehensible that SRF does not involve the affected parties from the industry before taking such drastic cost-cutting measures. A company with a public service mandate should not act without those affected. Rosmarie Quadranti, President of the Swiss Music Council, commented: 'It is offensive when those affected are only ever informed of such important decisions after the fact. This is very damaging to a partnership."

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